We are pleased to announce that BYDA is now registered with the Consumer Building and Occupational Services (CBOS) as an accredited provider in Tasmania for CPD points. CBOS is Tasmania’s building and consumer regulator. BYDA’s free education sessions cover safe excavation practices, learning about damages and knowing your Duty of Care. Each session is worth 1 CPD point.
Every year, electricians and plumbers must achieve CPD points. The CPD points help keep their skills up-to-date, prove their professional development and maintain their licenses. CPD is a recognised qualification that confirms your learning has met the necessary Continuing Professional Development standards and benchmarks.
Earlier this month, BYDA CEO Mell Greenall met with BYDA members in Tasmania. Members included CBOS, Tas Gas, Tasmanian Gas Pipelines, Tas Networks and Zinfra. During their meeting, they discussed safety and the importance of BYDA in protecting underground infrastructure, workers and the community.
Regardless of the size of your project, at BYDA, we believe that safety is fundamental to any work that involves breaking the ground. Therefore, you should always use the free referral service before starting any project.
BYDA has Damage Prevention and Awareness Officers in each state and territory. They can tailor a free toolbox talk or more in-depth session to meet your team’s needs. Contact us today for more information or to book a free education session for you and your team!